Users Management
Users Basics
Get details for multiple users
- GET /users/multiple/(string: userIds)
Retrieve all the information that Horn knows about the users listed in the
parameter- Parameters:
userIds (string) – A comma separated list of user ID’s e.g.
- Query Parameters:
imgSize (string)
- Response JSON Object:
followedBy (boolean) – [default: false] True if the authenticated user is followed by the authenticated user
reputation (int) – Reputation score
clientId (string) – Client id that user belongs to
description (option[string]) – A brief text description provided by the user
fullName (option[string]) – A full name provided by the user
following (boolean) – [default: false] True if the authenticated user is following this user
urlHandle (option[string]) – The user’s handle with switched chars to more url friendly
id (long) – The user’s unique ID
languages (option[languages]) – [default: None] Ordered list with languages and string for Accept-Language header
unregistered (boolean) – [default: false] True if the user is an unregistered user/temporary
authKind (option[userauthkind.value]) – [default: None] What kind of authorization will this user use (oAuth, Custom Auth etc). Guests don’t have this attribute at all
kind (userkind.value) – Kind enumeration
imageUrl (option[string]) – A url pointing to the user’s image
handle (string) – The user’s handle
Get own user details
- GET /users/me
Fetch publicly available information about a request owner.
- Query Parameters:
imgSize (string)
- Response JSON Object:
followedBy (boolean) – [default: false] True if the authenticated user is followed by the authenticated user
reputation (int) – Reputation score
clientId (string) – Client id that user belongs to
description (option[string]) – A brief text description provided by the user
fullName (option[string]) – A full name provided by the user
following (boolean) – [default: false] True if the authenticated user is following this user
urlHandle (option[string]) – The user’s handle with switched chars to more url friendly
id (long) – The user’s unique ID
languages (option[languages]) – [default: None] Ordered list with languages and string for Accept-Language header
unregistered (boolean) – [default: false] True if the user is an unregistered user/temporary
authKind (option[userauthkind.value]) – [default: None] What kind of authorization will this user use (oAuth, Custom Auth etc). Guests don’t have this attribute at all
kind (userkind.value) – Kind enumeration
imageUrl (option[string]) – A url pointing to the user’s image
handle (string) – The user’s handle
Get user client
Get user details
- GET /users/(number: userId)
Fetch publicly available information about a request owner. This call can only be made by users with the Partner Admin role, and will only work when made for a clientId that is a child account of the partner’s clientId.
- Parameters:
userId (number)
- Query Parameters:
for_client (string) – Specifies client context for which request will be executed.
imgSize (string)
- Response JSON Object:
followedBy (boolean) – [default: false] True if the authenticated user is followed by the authenticated user
reputation (int) – Reputation score
clientId (string) – Client id that user belongs to
description (option[string]) – A brief text description provided by the user
fullName (option[string]) – A full name provided by the user
following (boolean) – [default: false] True if the authenticated user is following this user
urlHandle (option[string]) – The user’s handle with switched chars to more url friendly
id (long) – The user’s unique ID
languages (option[languages]) – [default: None] Ordered list with languages and string for Accept-Language header
unregistered (boolean) – [default: false] True if the user is an unregistered user/temporary
authKind (option[userauthkind.value]) – [default: None] What kind of authorization will this user use (oAuth, Custom Auth etc). Guests don’t have this attribute at all
kind (userkind.value) – Kind enumeration
imageUrl (option[string]) – A url pointing to the user’s image
handle (string) – The user’s handle
Get user email
List users
- GET /users
Method that allows you to list users with Access Control Levels assigned to them. This method is available for users with any role in given context including channel owners and operators.
- Query Parameters:
for_client (string) – If specified, executes call in the context of the identified clientId, which must be a child account of calling user’s client. (Partner Admins only)
search (string) – String to filter users handles/names by
limit (string) – Limit amount of results. Needed for implementing pagination
offset (string) – Offset at which start looking for results in database. Needed for implementing pagination
imgSize (string) – Optionally images size for users avatar images results
sort (string) – By what column sort results. Possible values: [“handle”, “level”]. Default is “level”
order (string) – In which order sort results. Possible values: [“asc”, “desc”]. Default is “desc”
levels (string) – Comma separated list of Access Levels identifiers to filter results by (i.e. “levels=3,4” to see only users that have assigned at least one of )
{ total: number results: list }
where total is a total amount of elements matching criteria results objects has following fields:
{ levels: seq[accesslevel] // List of access levels this user has id: long // The user's unique ID authKind: option[userauthkind.value] // What kind of authentication this user is using kind: userkind.value // Kind enumeration invitationExpiry: option[long] // Optional field that says when a pending invitation will expire for that usr. This makes sense only for predefined users. imageUrl: option[string] // A url pointing to the user's image handle: string // The user's handle }
Remove users avatar
Set the user’s description
Set the user’s full name
Set user email
- POST /users/(string: userId)/email
Set the user’s email address and initiate verification of the address by sending a verification code to the email provided in the body. The recipient of the email should then either click on the link provided or extract the verfication code and call the “Verify Email Code” call. If a user attempts to set several different email addresses, the first email address to be validated will be accepted.
- Parameters:
userId (string)
- Request JSON Object:
email (option[string]) – User email to be set
Set user handle
- POST /users/(string: userId)/handle
Can be used only for non registered users or when uniqueness of handles on client level is disabled. An unregistered (i.e. guest) user may change their name using this function. Unlike registered users, there is no need for unregistered user display names to be unique, Note: Calling this method for a registered user will not fail, but also will not do anything. Returns HTTP 200 if successful.
- Parameters:
userId (string)
- Request JSON Object:
handle (string) – User handle
Set user handle (with nonce)
- POST /users/me/handle/(string: nonce)
A user may change their display name (“handle”) using this function. The caller should first reserve a name using the “Reserve Handle” call. The reservation token from that request should be used in this request.
- Parameters:
nonce (string) – The reservation token obtained using the “Reserve handle” call
Set users avatar
- POST /users/(string: userId)/image
Update the user’s image. If a URL is specified as the query parameter url then the image will be downloaded from the URL. If this parameter is not present, the request must contain the image in the body of the request. Images are limited in size to 8Mbytes. A URL takes precedence over an image in the request body.
- Parameters:
userId (string)
- Query Parameters:
url (string) – A URL specifying where the image may be downloaded. It must be specified if the image is not specified in the body of the request.
Verify email address
Creating Users
Check handle uniqueness
- GET /users/handle/unique
In Horn, user handles need to be unique. This function simply checks if a handle is unique or not. Use Reserve Handle to ensure that the handle requested will be available when the user is registered.
- Query Parameters:
for_client (string) – If specified, executes call in the context of the identified clientId, which must be a child account of calling user’s client. (Partner Admins only)
handle (string) – A utf-8 formatted string containing the handle to be checked
- Response JSON Object:
unique (boolean) – Boolean indicating whether is unique.
required (option[boolean]) – [default: None] Boolean indicating whether uniqunes is required in client
Create guest user
- POST /clients/(string: clientId)/users/guest/(string: uuid)
Create a new temporary user.
- Parameters:
clientId (string) – Specifies the client that user will be created for
uuid (string) – Channel ID
- Request JSON Object:
handle (string) – User handle
- Response JSON Object:
token (string) – The user’s secret token
expires (long) – The ttl of token
Create predefined user
- POST /users/predefined
A “predefined” user is a stub of a user account that can be given access (roles), and can have other user details (name, etc.) defined, but that has not yet been connected to an authorization mechanism. Predefined users can be given invitation codes to let users join and attach authentication details to the account stub, or alternatively can be referenced by an idToken used in a “frictionless” custom authentication integration. To create predefined user accounts that will be accessed via custom auth integration, include the optional originId field in the request payload. The originId field will be used to associate idTokens passed in through the cuatom auth integration with the user account. If the originId field is not defined for a predefined user, the user will be prompted to choose an oAuth provider from the list of enabled providers in this client context.
- Query Parameters:
for_client (string) – If specified, executes call in the context of the identified clientId, which must be a child account of calling user’s client. (Partner Admins only)
- Request JSON Object:
name (string) – User name
email (option[string]) – User email address
description (option[string]) – Description text
imageUrl (option[string]) – url for image host by 3rd party service
originId (option[string]) – Id of this user in 3rd party IDP system
- Response JSON Object:
id (long) – The User id
Create regular user
- POST /users/create/(string: token)
- Parameters:
token (string) – The handle reservation token requested using “Reserve Handle” call
- Request JSON Object:
description (option[string]) – Description text
fullName (option[string]) – Users full name
email (option[string]) – User email address
imageUrl (option[string]) – url for image host by 3rd party service
- Response JSON Object:
id (long) – The User id
Generate invitation
- POST /users/(number: userId)/invitation
Generates (or re-generates) and returns a new invitation code for a pre-defined user. A user can have only one invitation code at a time, so calling this method has the side-effect of removing and invalidating any codes that already exist. This method is only meaningful for pre-defined users.
- Parameters:
userId (number) – Identifier of a pre-defined user
- Query Parameters:
for_client (string) – If specified, executes call in the context of the identified clientId, which must be a child account of calling user’s client. (Partner Admins only)
ttl (string) – Optional expiration interval for the new code. Specified as a number and a unit, e.g. “1m” for 1 minute, “1d” for one day, etc. If not provided, the default expiry interval will be used.
- Response JSON Object:
userId (long) – Id of user
code (string) – Invitation code
expires (option[long]) – Expiration timestamp
kind (invitationkind.value) – Kind enumeration: Nonce - can be used only once, Persistent - JWT that can be exchanged to a horn token
Get predefined user ID
- GET /users/predefined/(string: originId)
Looks for a predefined user account from 3rd party customer integration and returns Horn’s id for this user or 404 status in case user is not in Horn system yet. That method is only available for API token.
- Parameters:
originId (string) – The ID of the user to check. This should be an ID in customer system
- Response JSON Object:
id (long) – The User id
Get user invitation
- GET /users/(number: userId)/invitation
Return any pending invitation for the specified user. The invitation can be used to generate a special link that can be used to connect authentication information to a pre-defined user and complete the account creation process. This call only returns any invitation that already exists. To create an invitiation in the first place, see Generate Invitation. This call is only meaningful for “pre-defined” users.
- Parameters:
userId (number) – ID of a pre-defined user
- Query Parameters:
for_client (string) – If specified, executes call in the context of the identified clientId, which must be a child account of calling user’s client. (Partner Admins only)
- Response JSON Object:
userId (long) – Id of user
code (string) – Invitation code
expires (option[long]) – Expiration timestamp
kind (invitationkind.value) – Kind enumeration: Nonce - can be used only once, Persistent - JWT that can be exchanged to a horn token
Get user origin ID
Reserve handle
- POST /users/handle/reserve
Make a short term reservation for a “handle” (user display name). This function returns a token which can be used to register a user with the reserved handle or alternatively change their current handle. The reservation will last for 15 minutes.
- Request JSON Object:
handle (string) – User handle
- Response JSON Object:
reservationToken (string) – A Token which give right to use associated handler
User Properties
Delete user properties
Get user properties
- GET /users/(string: userId)/properties/(string: key)
Allows to get arbitrary properties tied to a user, it can persist various kinds of custom state and/or data that are relevant to third party integrations. When requesting a properties the value will be return as a JSON in the response body.
- Parameters:
userId (string) – Me or user id
key (string) – The property key
Response: JSON
List user properties
Set user properties
- POST /users/(string: userId)/properties/(string: key)
Allows to set arbitrary properties tied to a user, it can persist various kinds of custom state and/or data that are relevant to third party integrations. Value for the property should be send as a json in the request body. The call will accept any json, save it under given key and allow to fetch it back.
- Parameters:
userId (string) – Me or user id
key (string) – The property key
Request: JSON
Configure if users handle uniqueness is required
Get a list of supported languages
Get user ID by handle
Get user by email
Set guest user handle
- POST /channels/(string: uuid)/users/(number: userId)/rename
The “handle” is the visible username of a user in a channel. This method lets a host set the handle of unregistered users (guests and dial-in/dial-out users).
- Parameters:
uuid (string) – The channel ID in which the change will occur
userId (number) – The ID of a user to rename
- Request JSON Object:
handle (string) – User handle
Set the user’s preferred language
- POST /users/(string: userId)/languages
Set the preferred language. Languages are specified as an ISO 639-1 code with an optional region specifier. Examples are
. The preferred languages can be obtained from the browser’s internationalization information.- Parameters:
userId (string)
- Request JSON Object:
languages (seq[string]) – Ordered list with languages codes