Events API

Add events endpoint

POST /events/endpoints

Add new Events API webhook destination for sending events

Request JSON Object:
  • url (string) – URL to which endpoints will be send

  • active (boolean) – [default: true] Is this configuration currently enabled or not?

Response JSON Object:
  • id (string) – Unique endpoint identifier

Check events status

GET /events/status

Returns status information about Events API

Response JSON Object:
  • enabled (boolean) – True if Events API is enabled

Disable events

POST /events/disable

When called, Events API feature will be disabled. It won”t” remove any configured Endpoints for Events API but it”ll” simply stop sending events to configured Endpoints.

Enable events

POST /events/enable

When invoked, Events API feature will be enabled. Once at least one Endpoint will be created, system events will be sending to it

Get events secret

GET /events/secret

Get a secret, configured for a given client, that will be used in generating validation header attached to a webhook events.

Response JSON Object:
  • code (string) – Shared secret that can be used to validate events origin.

List events endpoints

GET /events/endpoints

Return a list of HTTP endpoints where events will be sent

Response JSON Array of Objects:
  • id (string) – Id of this endpoint configuration

  • url (string) – URL to which endpoints will be send

  • active (boolean) – Is this configuration currently enabled or not?

Regenerate events secret

POST /events/secret/regenerate

Regenerate a secret, configured for a given client, that will be used in generating validation header attached to a webhook events.

Response JSON Object:
  • code (string) – Shared secret that can be used to validate events origin.

Remove events endpoint

DELETE /events/endpoints/(string: id)

Remove given Events Endpoint from list of Endpoints

  • id (string) – Endpoint identifier to remove

Update events endpoint

POST /events/endpoints/(string: id)

Update specific Events Endpoint. With this call you can i.e. enable/disable given Endpoint or change it”s” URL

  • id (string) – Endpoint identifier to update

Request JSON Object:
  • url (option[string]) – [default: None] URL to which endpoints will be send

  • active (option[boolean]) – [default: None] Is this configuration currently enabled or not?