Breakout Rooms
Add breakout room
- POST /channels/(string: uuid)/breakout/sessions/(string: breakoutSession)/rooms
Adds a breakout room to the specified breakout session.
- Parameters:
uuid (string) – Channel ID (of the Event Room)
breakoutSession (string) – ID of the breakout session
- Request JSON Object:
name (option[string]) – Breakout room name
- Response JSON Object:
id (string) – Unique id
Add breakout session
- POST /channels/(string: uuid)/breakout/sessions
Create a new breakout session.
- Parameters:
uuid (string) – Channel ID (of the Event Room)
- Request JSON Object:
name (option[string]) – Breakout session name
duration (option[long]) – Duration of breakout session (in milliseconds)
- Response JSON Object:
id (string) – Unique id
Add user to breakout room
- POST /channels/(string: uuid)/breakout/sessions/(string: breakoutSession)/rooms/(string: breakoutRoom)/participants/(number: userId)
Adds a user (by ID) to the specified breakout room. Note: participants cannot be added after a breakout session has been started.
- Parameters:
uuid (string) – Channel ID (of the Event Room)
breakoutSession (string) – ID of the breakout session
breakoutRoom (string) – ID of the breakout room
userId (number) – ID of user to add to the room
Create new channel linked user
- POST /channels/(string: uuid)/linked/users/new
Creates a new user and automatically links it to the specified channel. The user is not a general user account, and cannot be given privileges, but instead functions like a named guest user. This is needed (only) in the case that you want to assign users to breakout rooms in advance of an event. This call automatically generates invitation code for that user that can be retrieved with the “Get user invitation” call. Note: users created this way will be automatically REMOVED when the channel is removed OR if the user is unlinked from the channel.
- Parameters:
uuid (string) – The channel ID
- Query Parameters:
ttl (string) – Optional time to live parameter for the auto-generated invitation for that user. Specified as a number and a unit, e.g. “1m” for 1 minute, “1d” for one day, etc. If not provided, the default ttl will be used.
- Request JSON Object:
handle (string) – User handle
- Response JSON Object:
id (long) – The User id
Delete breakout room
- DELETE /channels/(string: uuid)/breakout/sessions/(string: breakoutSession)/rooms/(string: breakoutRoom)
Remove the specified breakout room from its breakout session.
- Parameters:
uuid (string) – Channel ID (of the Event Room)
breakoutSession (string) – ID of the breakout session
breakoutRoom (string) – ID of the breakout room
Delete breakout session
Enable / disable breakout sessions
Get breakout room participants
- GET /channels/(string: uuid)/breakout/sessions/(string: breakoutSession)/rooms/(string: breakoutRoom)/participants
Return a list of users assigned to the specified breakout room.
- Parameters:
uuid (string) – Channel ID (of the Event Room)
breakoutSession (string) – ID of the breakout session
breakoutRoom (string) – ID of the breakout room
- Query Parameters:
imgSize (string) – [optional] The desired size of the user image to return
- Response JSON Array of Objects:
followedBy (boolean) – [default: false] True if the authenticated user is followed by the authenticated user
reputation (int) – Reputation score
clientId (string) – Client id that user belongs to
description (option[string]) – A brief text description provided by the user
fullName (option[string]) – A full name provided by the user
following (boolean) – [default: false] True if the authenticated user is following this user
urlHandle (option[string]) – The user’s handle with switched chars to more url friendly
id (long) – The user’s unique ID
languages (option[languages]) – [default: None] Ordered list with languages and string for Accept-Language header
unregistered (boolean) – [default: false] True if the user is an unregistered user/temporary
authKind (option[userauthkind.value]) – [default: None] What kind of authorization will this user use (oAuth, Custom Auth etc). Guests don’t have this attribute at all
kind (userkind.value) – Kind enumeration
imageUrl (option[string]) – A url pointing to the user’s image
handle (string) – The user’s handle
Get breakout rooms
- GET /channels/(string: uuid)/breakout/sessions/(string: breakoutSession)/rooms
Returns a list of all breakout rooms defined in the specified breakout session.
- Parameters:
uuid (string) – Channel ID (of the Event Room)
breakoutSession (string) – ID of the breakout session
- Response JSON Array of Objects:
name (string) – Breakout room name
breakoutSession (string) – Breakout session Id
id (string) – Breakout room Id
sessionId (option[string]) – Session Id of the breakout room’s session
channelUuid (option[string]) – UUID of the breakout room channel
Get breakout sessions
- GET /channels/(string: uuid)/breakout/sessions
Return all breakout sessions associated with the specified room.
- Parameters:
uuid (string) – Channel ID (of the Event Room)
- Query Parameters:
limit (string) – [Optional] Limit size of result set (for pagination)
offset (string) – [Optional] Offset in result set to start with (for pagination)
sessionId (string) – [Optional] Specify historical sessionId for which finished breakout sessions will be returned
- Response JSON Array of Objects:
duration (long) – Duration of breakout session (milliseconds)
isCompleted (boolean) – True if session has completed
name (string) – Breakout session name
channel (string) – UUID of the event room containing this breakout session
breakoutRoom (option[breakoutroom]) – Information about assigned breakout room
id (string) – Current breakout session Id
isActive (boolean) – True if session is currently active
started (option[long]) – Breakout session start time (epoch milliseconds)
Get current breakout room for user.
- GET /channels/(string: uuid)/breakout/session
Returns information about the current breakout room the calling user has been assigned to. This call can only be made as a user in a room wtih an active breakout session (it is not meaningful to call this with an API key). If there is no active breakout session, this call will return 204 (No Context).
- Parameters:
uuid (string) – Event Room channel ID
- Response JSON Object:
duration (long) – Duration of breakout session (milliseconds)
isCompleted (boolean) – True if session has completed
name (string) – Breakout session name
channel (string) – UUID of the event room containing this breakout session
breakoutRoom (option[breakoutroom]) – Information about assigned breakout room
id (string) – Current breakout session Id
isActive (boolean) – True if session is currently active
started (option[long]) – Breakout session start time (epoch milliseconds)
Get users linked to channel
- GET /channels/(string: uuid)/linked/users
Returns a list of all users linked to given channel. These can be either regular users that were just linked to channel or “channel-linked users”. This call is useful when assigning users to breakout rooms in advance of an event.
- Parameters:
uuid (string) – The channel ID
- Query Parameters:
imgSize (string) – [optional] The desired size of the user image to return
- Response JSON Array of Objects:
followedBy (boolean) – [default: false] True if the authenticated user is followed by the authenticated user
reputation (int) – Reputation score
clientId (string) – Client id that user belongs to
description (option[string]) – A brief text description provided by the user
fullName (option[string]) – A full name provided by the user
following (boolean) – [default: false] True if the authenticated user is following this user
urlHandle (option[string]) – The user’s handle with switched chars to more url friendly
id (long) – The user’s unique ID
languages (option[languages]) – [default: None] Ordered list with languages and string for Accept-Language header
unregistered (boolean) – [default: false] True if the user is an unregistered user/temporary
authKind (option[userauthkind.value]) – [default: None] What kind of authorization will this user use (oAuth, Custom Auth etc). Guests don’t have this attribute at all
kind (userkind.value) – Kind enumeration
imageUrl (option[string]) – A url pointing to the user’s image
handle (string) – The user’s handle
Link user to channel
Remove user from breakout room
- DELETE /channels/(string: uuid)/breakout/sessions/(string: breakoutSession)/rooms/(string: breakoutRoom)/participants/(number: userId)
Removes a user from the specified breakout room. Note: this call only works before the breakout session containing the room has started.
- Parameters:
uuid (string) – Channel ID (of the Event Room)
breakoutSession (string) – ID of the breakout session
breakoutRoom (string) – ID of the breakout room
userId (number) – ID of user to remove from the room
Start breakout session
- POST /channels/(string: uuid)/breakout/session/start
Start the specified breakout session. This will automatically route users to the rooms they were assigned to in this session, and then return them to the Event Room at the end of the specified duration.
- Parameters:
uuid (string) – Channel ID (of the Event Room)
Stop breakout session
Unlink user from channel
- DELETE /channels/(string: uuid)/linked/users/(number: userId)
Removes the association between the specified user and channel. Note: this method will REMOVE a user entirely if the user was linked to just this one channel and it was user created for this channel only (using Create New Channel Linked User call).
- Parameters:
uuid (string) – The channel ID
userId (number) – ID of user to be unlinked from channel
Update breakout room
- POST /channels/(string: uuid)/breakout/sessions/(string: breakoutSession)/rooms/(string: breakoutRoom)
Sets a new name for a breakout room.
- Parameters:
uuid (string) – Channel ID (of the Event Room)
breakoutSession (string) – ID of the breakout session
breakoutRoom (string) – ID of the breakout room
- Request JSON Object:
name (option[string]) – Breakout room name
Update breakout session
- POST /channels/(string: uuid)/breakout/sessions/(string: breakoutSession)
Modify name and/or duration of an existing session.
- Parameters:
uuid (string) – Channel ID (of the Event Room)
breakoutSession (string) – Breakout session ID
- Request JSON Object:
name (option[string]) – Breakout session name
duration (option[long]) – Duration of breakout session (in milliseconds)