
Horn provides a powerful and flexible Video Overlays system that allows you to enhance your video streams with various visual elements. From built-in lower thirds to custom images and external URLs, the overlay system offers complete control over the visual presentation of your streams.


The Video Overlay system in Horn enables you to:

  • Fully customize your video streams with:
    • Built-in lower thirds

    • Custom images uploaded by you

    • External URLs embedded on the video frames

  • Position and size overlays with complete flexibility

  • Layer multiple overlays on top of each other

  • Assign overlays to:
    • All participants globally

    • Specific users

    • Individual cameras of specific users

  • Integrate overlays with Show Mode for scene-based management

  • Set default overlays for camera/screen frames during Show Mode to streamline workflow

Adding Overlays

The Video Overlays can be managed from within the Settings Panel under the Video Overlays tab

When you don’t have any overlays yet, you’ll see the following screen:

Overlay Empty State

To add your first overlay, click on the Add New Overlay button in the top-right corner visible in the above screenshot.

Initially, the Library tab will open, displaying the built-in lower thirds and default style.

Read on to learn more about the different types of overlays you can add.

Overlay Types

At Horn, we believe in providing solutions that adapt to your specific needs - that’s why our overlay system offers both easy-to-use built-in lower thirds for quick deployment, as well as advanced customization options for users requiring more sophisticated overlay implementations.

Built-in Library

Horn comes with a set of pre-designed lower thirds and other overlay elements that you can use immediately. These built-in overlays can be customized to match your branding/colors

Overlay Example Library


The build-in library is designed to be easily extendable to support more styles and designs. We can customize your implementation to list only overlays from your own set/store. Please contact us to learn more.

Custom Images

Upload your own images to use as overlays. This allows for complete creative freedom in designing your overlays, from logos to custom lower thirds and graphical elements.

Overlay Example Image

External URLs

Embed web content directly as overlays. This enables dynamic content integration and advanced customization possible.

Overlay Example URL

Positioning and Layering

Each overlay can be precisely positioned on the stream using:

  • Easy-to-use snapping grid for quick positioning:

  • Drag-and-drop interface for visual positioning

  • Arbitrary resizing with aspect ratio locking for the Library overlays


Assignment Flexibility

Overlays can be assigned at different levels:

  • All Participants: Apply to all users in the room

  • User-specific: Target individual participants

  • Camera-specific: Assign to specific cameras of a participant, default camera or all camera from a user


Using with Show Mode

When using Show Mode, you can do various configurations for overlays:

  • Set default overlays for camera/screen frames to streamline workflow

  • Assign multiple overlays to specific frames in a scene

  • Layer multiple overlays on top of each other for more complex visual effects


At the moment, the Video Overlays seen in the Show Mode have to be defined within the Video Overlays settings panel. We are working on a more dynamic way to configure Video Overlays during the Show Mode creation directly.

Default Show Overlays

When building a Show, you can define what overlays should be used by default for the camera and screen frames. Every time a new camera or screen frame is created, the defined overlays will be automatically assigned to them.


You can also use this feature to globally add or remove overlays from all frames in all scenes - simply confirm the action in the dialog that will be shown when adding or removing the default overlays:



../../../_images/overlay-show-default-overlays-add-confirm.png ../../../_images/overlay-show-default-overlays-remove-confirm.png

Scene Frame Overlays

You can assign multiple overlays to specific frames in a scene using the Select Video Overlays button visible when hovering a frame:


Bulk Assign Overlays

In some cases, you might want to assign the same overlays to all frames in a scene. An option to do so is availalble using the button displayed in the right-bottom corner, below the layout options:
