
Horn’s professional recording capabilities allow you to capture high-quality video and audio from your live events. You can choose between a simple combined recording of your session or utilize advanced multi-track recording features for post-production flexibility.


When a recording ends, all Owners of the room will receive an email containing a link to download the recording package.

Recording Notification Email

Recordings can also be found in the Horn Management Console interface when viewing individual session details:

Recording in HMC


For more advanced integrations and automations, you can also use our Events API to receive HTTP webhook notifications when a recording starts, ends, and becomes available for download.

Combined Recording

The Combined recording option provides a straightforward way to capture your entire session exactly as it appears to viewers:

  • Single video file containing everything shown on screen

  • Includes all mixed audio, overlays, and visual effects

  • WYSIWYG approach (What you see is what you get)

  • Perfect for immediate sharing or archiving

  • Available in MP4 format with high-quality H.264 encoding

  • Ideal for scenarios where post-production isn’t needed

Combined Recording

Summarization and Chapters

Horn’s AI-powered summarization system automatically processes recordings to generate intelligent chapter markers and detailed content summaries. This feature requires the Live Captions feature to be enabled and active during the recording session.

When enabled, the system analyzes speech patterns, topic changes, and key discussion points to create: - Automatically generated chapter markers for easy navigation - Concise summaries of key discussion points and decisions - Full searchable transcripts of the entire recording

These AI-generated insights make it easier for viewers to navigate and extract value from longer recordings, while maintaining the full context of the original content.

Recording Summary


To access these AI-powered features in your recordings, ensure that Live Captions is enabled for your room and functioning during the recording session.

Individual Tracks

Every audio and video stream in your production is recorded separately at its original quality. This approach provides maximum flexibility for post-production:

  • Individual video tracks for each camera and screen share (H.264)

  • Separate audio tracks for each participant (FLAC or WAV)

  • Original quality preservation for audio, video and media sources

  • Clean feeds without overlays or mixed effects

The Recording Archive contains all individual tracks, XML project files for NLE software, a Media folder with Video Overlays, and other media captured during the recording:

Recording Archive Structure

NLE Integration

Horn seamlessly integrates with major Non-Linear Editing (NLE) software, automatically generating project files for:

  • Adobe Premiere Pro

  • DaVinci Resolve

  • Final Cut Pro

The generated project files include:

  • Pre-organized timeline with all recorded tracks

  • Proper sync maintained between all sources

  • Ready-to-use project structure

Adobe Premiere Pro

Video Recording

  • Formats: MP4 (H.264/H.265)

  • Resolution: Up to source resolution (4K supported)

  • Frame rate: Matches source (up to 60fps)

  • Bitrate: Variable, optimized for quality

Audio Recording

  • Format: FLAC/WAV

  • Sample rate: 48kHz

  • Bit depth: 16-bit

  • Channels: 2

Best Practices

  • Ensure all participants have stable network connections

  • Configure the room’s Video settings to your desired quality (note that the default “Auto” setting uses the browser’s default resolution, which may be lower than expected)

  • When recording during a Show, it’s recommended to start with a placeholder Scene containing a graphic or video. This ensures the recording displays content during the initial few seconds before the main content begins