
Configuring Dial-In / Dial-Out

Configure dial in

POST /settings/dial/in/(string: state)

When enabled, every newly created channel will have the “dial-in” feature enabled by default.

  • state (string) – Can be one of enable/disable

Configure dial out

POST /settings/dial/out/(string: state)

When enabled, every newly created channel will have the “dial-out” feature enabled by default.

  • state (string) – Can be one of enable/disable

Enabling dial-in to a channel

POST /channels/(string: uuid)/settings/dial/in/(string: state)

If enabled, dial-in numbers can be associated with the channel. Note: use of this option may incur metered charges depending on your organization’s license agreement, so the call can only be made by users who have the “Customer Admin” role. This call can be used to override the default value that was set at creation time based on the dialIn attribute of the return from the “Client Settings” call.

  • uuid (string) – The channel ID

  • state (string) – Can be one of enable/disable

Enabling dial-out from a channel

POST /channels/(string: uuid)/settings/dial/out/(string: state)

If enabled, meeting hosts are able to place outbound phone calls to a person they wish to add to the meeting. Note: use of this option may incur metered charges depending on your organization’s license agreement, so the call can only be made by users who have the “Customer Admin” role. This call can be used to override the default value that was set at creation time based on the dialOut attribute of the return from the “Client Settings” call.

  • uuid (string) – The channel ID

  • state (string) – Can be one of enable/disable

PIN Management

Delete PIN

DELETE /channels/(string: uuid)/dial/pins/(string: pin)

Delete dial-in pin for given channel.

  • uuid (string) – The channel ID

  • pin (string) – Pin code to delete

Get dial-in pins

GET /channels/(string: uuid)/dial/pins

Get dial-in pins for given channel. An empty list means anyone can enter the channel.

  • uuid (string) – The channel ID

Response JSON Object:
  • pin (string) – pin code

  • organizer (boolean) – [default: false] information if given pin is for meeting organizers(starts meeting)

Set dial-in PIN

POST /channels/(string: uuid)/dial/pins

Set dial-in PIN for given channel. If set, a PIN is required for dial-in access to the meeting.

  • uuid (string) – The channel ID

Request JSON Object:
  • pin (string) – pin code

  • organizer (boolean) – [default: false] information if given pin is for meeting organizers(starts meeting)

Number Assignment

Add number to default list for client

POST /numbers/inbound/(string: number)/default

Default number will be assigned to every newly created channel in given client scope

  • number (string) – Inbound number

Assign a dial in number

POST /channels/(string: uuid)/dial/numbers/(string: number)

Make a assignment for a dial in number. That allows participants to dial into channel using selected number

  • uuid (string) – The channel ID

  • number (string) – Number that will be reserved, + is not required to make an assignment

Response JSON Object:
  • phone (phonenumber) – Details about phone number

  • code (option[string]) – Unique channel code for reservation

Cancel assignment for a dial in number

DELETE /channels/(string: uuid)/dial/numbers/(string: number)

That will cancel assignment for a given dial in number.

  • uuid (string) – The channel ID

  • number (string) – Assigned number, + is not required to drop assignment

Get available (for reservation) dial in numbers

GET /channels/available/dial/numbers

Get a list of numbers that can become associated with given channel. Number can be attached directly or using special routing code

Query Parameters:
  • limit (string) – How many numbers should be returned for pagination

  • offset (string) – Ofsset used for pagination

  • countryCode (string) – Limit listing for a given country code

Response JSON Object:
  • number (string) – Phone number

  • code (string) – Country code

  • isDefault (option[boolean]) – [default: None] True if this number is default for this client

Get dial in numbers

GET /numbers/inbound

Get a list of numbers that are available or can be marked as available for a given client context. Enabled numbers can be assigned as dial-in numbers for a channel in this client. When marking number as disabled all existing assignments(to channels) will be removed.

Query Parameters:
  • limit (string) – How many numbers should be returned for pagination

  • offset (string) – Ofsset used for pagination

  • countryCode (string) – Limit listing for a given country code

Response JSON Array of Objects:
  • number (string) – Phone number

  • code (string) – Country code

  • isDefault (option[boolean]) – [default: None] True if this number is default for this client

Get reserved/associated dial in numbers

GET /channels/(string: channel)/dial/numbers

Get a list of reserved/associated dial in numbers for a given channel.

  • channel (string) – The channel ID

Query Parameters:
  • limit (string) – How many numbers should be returned for pagination

  • offset (string) – Offset used for pagination

Response JSON Object:
  • phone (phonenumber) – Details about phone number

  • code (option[string]) – Unique channel code for reservation

Make a exclusive number assignment

POST /channels/(string: uuid)/dial/numbers/(string: number)/exclusive

Make a exclusive assignment for a dial in number. Exclusive assignment meant that the number will be attached only to one channel. That allows participants to dial into channel using selected number

  • uuid (string) – The channel ID

  • number (string) – Number that will be assign, + is not required to make an assignment

Response JSON Object:
  • phone (phonenumber) – Details about phone number

  • code (option[string]) – Unique channel code for reservation

Remove number from default list for client

DELETE /numbers/inbound/(string: number)/default

Default number will be assigned to every newly created channel in given client scope

  • number (string) – Phone number

Runtime Control

Get a cost quote for an outbound call to a number

GET /channels/(string: uuid)/dial/quote/(string: number)

Get a quote (cost per minute) for a call to the specified number. This function returns the latest quote from our upstream PSTN providers for a call to the specific number. The currency unit is reported and should always be in USD. The format for the number is “+<phone-number>-<dtmf>” where the phone number is the appropriate number of digits (E.164 format) and the DTMF data consists of the digits 0-9 , the hash symbool (#) and the asterisk (). For this function, the DTMF portion is ignored as it has no bearing on the cost of the call

  • uuid (string) – The channel ID

  • number (string) – A number in E164 format with Horn’s DTMF extension

Response JSON Object:
  • number (string) – The number for which the pricing is applicable

  • cost (double) – The cost per minute for making this call

  • currency (string) – Currency unit for the quoted call costs

  • country (string) – The country to which this call is being placed

Place an outbound SIP call to a registered user

POST /channels/(string: uuid)/dial/registered

Place an outbound call to the specified phone number. The user will appear in the channel as the specified user. This call requires that dial-out is enabled for the channel. The format for the number is “+<phone-number>-<dtmf>” where the phone number is the appropriate number of digits (E.164 format) and the DTMF data consists of the digits 0-9 , the hash symbool (#) and the asterisk (). The “,” symbol is used to indicate a delay of 1 second. The DTMF will be transmitted one second after the call has connected if it is present in the number. For example, +12124425555-445#,123 will dial the number +12124425555. One second after it connects, it will send the sequence 445# and one second after this, it will send 123 as DTMF. The DTMF sequence is limited to 25 characters. Note that the DTMF portion is optional.

  • uuid (string) – ID of the channel to dial for.

Request JSON Object:
  • number (string) – The number to dial

  • sipUserId (long) – The Horn ID for the user who we are dialling.

  • whisper (option[boolean]) – If true, the call is started in whisper mode. It defaults to “false” for backwards compatibility

Place an outbound SIP call to an unregistered/temporary user

POST /channels/(string: uuid)/dial/unregistered

Place an outbound call to the specified phone number. The user will appear in the channel as new user with name given in request. This call requires that dial-out is enabled for the channel. The format for the number is “+<phone-number>-<dtmf>” where the phone number is the appropriate number of digits (E.164 format) and the DTMF data consists of the digits 0-9 , the hash symbool (#) and the asterisk (). The “,” symbol is used to indicate a delay of 1 second. The DTMF will be transmitted one second after the call has connected if it is present in the number. For example, +12124425555,445#,123 will dial the number +12124425555. One second after it connects, it will send the sequence 445# and one second after this, it will send 123 as DTMF. Note that some heroic efforts will be made by the backend to correctly extract a dialable number. ++1(411) GET-Horn,1234 will be correctly interpreted as “+14114384676”. The DTMF portion (“,1234”) will be sent after the call has been picked up. The DTMF sequence is limited to 25 dialable characters. Note that the DTMF portion is optional.

  • uuid (string) – ID of the channel to dial for.

Request JSON Object:
  • number (string) – The number to dial

  • name (string) – Name that will be displayed in channel.

  • whisper (option[boolean]) – If true, the call is started in whisper mode. It defaults to “false” for backwards compatibility

Response JSON Object:
  • id (long) – The User id

Validate a number for a SIP call

GET /channels/dial/check/(string: number)

This method simply determines if the phone number in the argument is a valid E164 dialable SIP number. It does not check if the number exists. Invalid numbers will return 400.

  • number (string) – A number in E164 format with Horn’s DTMF extension